The Ghost of the Missing Chad’s

John Ellis. (JEB) Bush at 3%

I want you to remember what Jeb Bush seems to want you to forget?

His name is, John Ellis. (JEB) Bush

And he will be in Ocala Florida tomorrow  at 3:PM.

John E. (Jeb) Bush is the key!

and related to two past presidents.

The Key that can un-lock the puzzle of the 2000 election 15 years ago when Al Gore, the winner of the popular vote, while winning in Florida/Ohio.

Only in the some strange way his brother, George W. Bush, won the electoral vote in Florida,

while John Ellis. (JEB) Bush was the governor of Florida?

John Ellis “Jeb” Bush an American businessman and politician served as the 43rd Governor of Florida from 1999 to 2007.

Now remember, this is just a multitude of coincidences’

I’M sure?

George W. Bush was the 43rd president of the United States and narrowly won the Electoral College vote in 2000, in one of the closest and most controversial elections in American history?

The country is now learning what all of the Floridians knew for the past 15 years

and the Floridian Democrats have been heart-broken about

and the Floridian Republicans have been quietly bragging about!

Let’s start at the beginning?

Well at least in 1999/2000?

On the news media in Florida long before the election was over and while Al Gore was declared the winner, John Ellis. (JEB) Bush echoed those now famous words,

“Don’t Worry little brother the election is in the bag!”

Within a short period of time his prediction came true, strange as it may seem to the world?

Now step back to the times while we were voting for our choice of president in Florida?

‘Extra Long lines’ in known democratic districts

(black for the most part)!

Delayed or missing absentee ballots?

Unnecessary checks of voter IDs in known democratic districts

(black for the most part)!

People turned away at the voting booths in known democratic districts

(black for the most part)!

And the Al Gore killer #1!

Those now world famous

(Hanging – Chad’s)!

Hanging Chad

Florida election recount


Now for Al Gore killing #1

Supreme Court of the United States put a stop to the checking of the re-counting voting Chads

and handed the office of the president to George W. Bush,

the brother of then Florida Governor (John Ellis. (JEB) Bush)?

Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States in 1999/2000

William Rehnquist† 1986–2005 — Nixon (associate)Reagan (chief Justice)

John Paul Stevens 1975- 2010- Ford

Sandra Day O’Connor 1981–2006–2006– Reagan

Antonin Scalia – 1986–present — Reagan Currently serving

Anthony Kennedy – 1988–present — Reagan Currently serving

David Souter 1990- 2009–present- Bush, G. H. W.

Clarence Thomas – 1991–present — Bush, G. H. W. Currently serving

Ruth Bader Ginsburg – 1993–present — Clinton Currently serving

Stephen Breyer – 1994–present — Clinton Currently serving

John G. Roberts 1955– 2005–present Bush, G. W. Currently serving

Samuel Alito 1950– 2006–presentBush, G. W. Currently serving

One thought on “The Ghost of the Missing Chad’s

  1. Pingback: John Ellis. (JEB) Bush (shock-and-awe) | sachemspeaks

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